About Me

How do you take nineteen years of your life and put it into a paragraph? How does one take 19 years of experience, experiences that have molded you into the person you are today, and describe yourself in a paragraph. It seems impossible. It is one of the hardest things I have done. But whatever these 19 years have taught me about myself is that I am not the person you think I am. Many believe I could be compared to the sign of water, calm and mellow, but I assure you I am a true representation of the sign Fire. I can be compared to Fire as I am someone who has great power and passion to achieve my dream of being rich and make my family proud. It is the fire within me that allows me to posses motivation and what steered my choices and decision that I have made in my life.When I burn with joy or anger, it may offer light- giving- light and heat or destruction. Likewise, like a match that has just been lit, I will burn myself out if it means that it will provide light for the people I care about. However, at first many keep a distance because coming too close means that I can burn you by the truth in my words.

If you watch a fire burn, you will notice that there are many colours depending on the heat levels. All the colours affect who I am. The yellow can represent how I can be welcoming and lift spirits. As the Fire becomes more of a Red, it symbolizes how I can obtain the courage to take risks and potential, maybe even aggressiveness.

Fire is a complex element that not everyone can understand. Fire is also an element that not everyone can handle. At first you are intrigued. Intrigued by  the different colours that a fire can represent.  However, clearly remember how your mother advised you to keep a distance because we are dangerous. If you think you can handle it and if you dare, come on this       journey with me.